News about icarus [the book]

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If you enjoy the essays on this blog, then a collection of them is now available. All have been updated and revised, and many are new and available only in the book. Entitled The Icarus Question: Essays About Science, Technology, and the Search for Home in a Changing World, the collection was edited by Sally Davies and published through Ramified Press. It’s available in various formats (eBook, hardback, and paperback) wherever you buy your books. For short bios of Sally and me, the blurb, links to a few reviews, and ISBN numbers, see the Books section of this blog.

To request a review copy, please drop a note to Please provide your name and where you usually publish your reviews (e.g. blog, Amazon, Goodreads, etc.). I will provide you an eBook file on the understanding that you are seriously considering writing a thoughtful review, and that you will send a copy of the review when it’s published. Thank you.

A number of these essays were written for liberal arts courses I have taught. If you would like to consider the book for course adoption and would like an eBook to examine, just send a note to Please provide the name of the instructor, institutional affiliation, and a very brief description of the course.

Also, I was hoping to place the book in libraries, so it would be available to more readers. If you like it, please recommend it to your local library.